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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Ah, Count," said he, "his father loves him so much!"

"Do not speak to me of that," said Monte Cristo, with the first movement
of anger he had betrayed; "I will make him suffer." Morrel, amazed, let
fall Monte Cristo's hand. "Count, count!" said he.

"Dear Maximilian," interrupted the count, "listen how adorably Duprez is
singing that line,--

     'O Mathilde! idole de mon ame!'

"I was the first to discover Duprez at Naples, and the first to
applaud him. Bravo, bravo!" Morrel saw it was useless to say more, and
refrained. The curtain, which had risen at the close of the scene with
Albert, again fell, and a rap was heard at the door.

"Come in," said Monte Cristo with a voice that betrayed not the
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