"Provided I understand your perfidy, sir, and succeed in making you
understand that I will be revenged, I shall be reasonable enough," said
Albert furiously.
"I do not understand you, sir," replied Monte Cristo; "and if I did,
your tone is too high. I am at home here, and I alone have a right
to raise my voice above another's. Leave the box, sir!" Monte Cristo
pointed towards the door with the most commanding dignity. "Ah, I shall
know how to make you leave your home!" replied Albert, clasping in his
convulsed grasp the glove, which Monte Cristo did not lose sight of.
"Well, well," said Monte Cristo quietly, "I see you wish to quarrel with
me; but I would give you one piece of advice, which you will do well
to keep in mind. It is in poor taste to make a display of a challenge.
Display is not becoming to every one, M. de Morcerf."
At this name a murmur of astonishment passed around the group of
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