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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"'Madame,' said the president, 'you have engaged to furnish the
committee with some important particulars respecting the affair
at Yanina, and you have stated that you were an eyewitness of the
event.'--'I was, indeed,' said the stranger, with a tone of sweet
melancholy, and with the sonorous voice peculiar to the East.

"'But allow me to say that you must have been very young then.'--'I was
four years old; but as those events deeply concerned me, not a single
detail has escaped my memory.'--'In what manner could these events
concern you? and who are you, that they should have made so deep an
impression on you?'--'On them depended my father's life,' replied she.
'I am Haidee, the daughter of Ali Tepelini, pasha of Yanina, and of
Vasiliki, his beloved wife.'

"The blush of mingled pride and modesty which suddenly suffused the
cheeks of the young woman, the brilliancy of her eye, and her highly
important communication, produced an indescribable effect on the
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