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The Count of Monte Cristo

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sir,' replied the president. 'Is the committee willing to hear this
witness?'--'Yes, yes,' they all said at once. The door-keeper was
called. 'Is there any one in the lobby?' said the president.

"'Yes, sir.'--'Who is it?'--'A woman, accompanied by a servant.' Every
one looked at his neighbor. 'Bring her in,' said the president. Five
minutes after the door-keeper again appeared; all eyes were fixed on
the door, and I," said Beauchamp, "shared the general expectation and
anxiety. Behind the door-keeper walked a woman enveloped in a large
veil, which completely concealed her. It was evident, from her figure
and the perfumes she had about her, that she was young and fastidious in
her tastes, but that was all. The president requested her to throw
aside her veil, and it was then seen that she was dressed in the Grecian
costume, and was remarkably beautiful."

"Ah," said Albert, "it was she."

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