began his defence, I assure you, Albert, in a most eloquent and skilful
manner. He produced documents proving that the Vizier of Yanina had up
to the last moment honored him with his entire confidence, since he had
interested him with a negotiation of life and death with the emperor. He
produced the ring, his mark of authority, with which Ali Pasha generally
sealed his letters, and which the latter had given him, that he might,
on his return at any hour of the day or night, gain access to the
presence, even in the harem. Unfortunately, the negotiation failed, and
when he returned to defend his benefactor, he was dead. 'But,' said the
count, 'so great was Ali Pasha's confidence, that on his death-bed he
resigned his favorite mistress and her daughter to my care.'" Albert
started on hearing these words; the history of Haidee recurred to him,
and he remembered what she had said of that message and the ring, and
the manner in which she had been sold and made a slave. "And what effect
did this discourse produce?" anxiously inquired Albert. "I acknowledge
it affected me, and, indeed, all the committee also," said Beauchamp.
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