investigation should take place. The count was asked what time he
required to prepare his defence. Morcerf's courage had revived when he
found himself alive after this horrible blow. "My lords," answered
he, "it is not by time I could repel the attack made on me by enemies
unknown to me, and, doubtless, hidden in obscurity; it is immediately,
and by a thunderbolt, that I must repel the flash of lightning which,
for a moment, startled me. Oh, that I could, instead of taking up this
defence, shed my last drop of blood to prove to my noble colleagues that
I am their equal in worth." These words made a favorable impression on
behalf of the accused. "I demand, then, that the examination shall
take place as soon as possible, and I will furnish the house with all
necessary information."
"What day do you fix?" asked the president.
"To-day I am at your service," replied the count. The president rang
the bell. "Does the House approve that the examination should take place
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