and grief, the following facts. Two days previously, the article had
appeared in another paper besides the Impartial, and, what was more
serious, one that was well known as a government paper. Beauchamp was
breakfasting when he read the paragraph. He sent immediately for a
cabriolet, and hastened to the publisher's office. Although professing
diametrically opposite principles from those of the editor of the other
paper, Beauchamp--as it sometimes, we may say often, happens--was
his intimate friend. The editor was reading, with apparent delight, a
leading article in the same paper on beet-sugar, probably a composition
of his own.
"Ah, pardieu," said Beauchamp, "with the paper in your hand, my friend,
I need not tell you the cause of my visit."
"Are you interested in the sugar question?" asked the editor of the
ministerial paper.
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