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The Count of Monte Cristo

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While the count picked up the paper he put spurs to his horse, which
leaped in astonishment at such an unusual stimulus, and shot away
with the rapidity of an arrow. The count watched him with a feeling of
compassion, and when he had completely disappeared, read as follows:--

"The French officer in the service of Ali Pasha of Yanina alluded to
three weeks since in the Impartial, who not only surrendered the castle
of Yanina, but sold his benefactor to the Turks, styled himself truly at
that time Fernand, as our esteemed contemporary states; but he has since
added to his Christian name a title of nobility and a family name. He
now calls himself the Count of Morcerf, and ranks among the peers."

Thus the terrible secret, which Beauchamp had so generously destroyed,
appeared again like an armed phantom; and another paper, deriving its
information from some malicious source, had published two days after
Albert's departure for Normandy the few lines which had rendered the
unfortunate young man almost crazy.
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