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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Oh, sire," exclaimed the Duc de Blacas, "M. Dandre is not a man to be
accused of treason! Sire, we have all been blind, and the minister of
police has shared the general blindness, that is all."

"But"--said Villefort, and then suddenly checking himself, he was
silent; then he continued, "Your pardon, sire," he said, bowing, "my
zeal carried me away. Will your majesty deign to excuse me?"

"Speak, sir, speak boldly," replied Louis. "You alone forewarned us of
the evil; now try and aid us with the remedy."

"Sire," said Villefort, "the usurper is detested in the south; and it
seems to me that if he ventured into the south, it would be easy to
raise Languedoc and Provence against him."

"Yes, assuredly," replied the minister; "but he is advancing by Gap and
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