"No, dear Morcerf; you know I only refuse when the thing is impossible.
Besides, it is important," added he in a low tone, "that I should remain
in Paris just now to watch the paper."
"Ah, you are a good and an excellent friend," said Albert; "yes, you are
right; watch, watch, Beauchamp, and try to discover the enemy who made
this disclosure." Albert and Beauchamp parted, the last pressure of
their hands expressing what their tongues could not before a stranger.
"Beauchamp is a worthy fellow," said Monte Cristo, when the journalist
was gone; "is he not, Albert?"
"Yes, and a sincere friend; I love him devotedly. But now we are
alone,--although it is immaterial to me,--where are we going?"
"Into Normandy, if you like."
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