of police appeared at the door, pale, trembling, and as if ready to
faint. Villefort was about to retire, but M. de Blacas, taking his hand,
restrained him.
Chapter 11. The Corsican Ogre.
At the sight of this agitation Louis XVIII. pushed from him violently
the table at which he was sitting.
"What ails you, baron?" he exclaimed. "You appear quite aghast. Has your
uneasiness anything to do with what M. de Blacas has told me, and M. de
Villefort has just confirmed?" M. de Blacas moved suddenly towards the
baron, but the fright of the courtier pleaded for the forbearance of
the statesman; and besides, as matters were, it was much more to his
advantage that the prefect of police should triumph over him than that
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