know how many would be punished who now escape."
"Patience," said the abbe, in a tone which made the dying man shudder;
"have patience!" Caderousse looked at him with amazement. "Besides,"
said the abbe, "God is merciful to all, as he has been to you; he is
first a father, then a judge."
"Do you then believe in God?" said Caderousse.
"Had I been so unhappy as not to believe in him until now," said Monte
Cristo, "I must believe on seeing you." Caderousse raised his clinched
hands towards heaven.
"Listen," said the abbe, extending his hand over the wounded man, as
if to command him to believe; "this is what the God in whom, on your
death-bed, you refuse to believe, has done for you--he gave you health,
strength, regular employment, even friends--a life, in fact, which a man
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