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The Count of Monte Cristo

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lodges at the Hotel des Princes. Oh, I am dying!" He again fainted. The
abbe made him smell the contents of the phial, and he again opened his
eyes. His desire for revenge had not forsaken him.

"Ah, you will tell all I have said, will you not, reverend sir?"

"Yes, and much more."

"What more will you say?"

"I will say he had doubtless given you the plan of this house, in the
hope the count would kill you. I will say, likewise, he had apprised the
count, by a note, of your intention, and, the count being absent, I read
the note and sat up to await you."

"And he will be guillotined, will be not?" said Caderousse. "Promise me
that, and I will die with that hope."
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