servants' staircase, of which he had the key, gained his bedroom without
opening or disarranging a single curtain, without even the porter
having the slightest suspicion that the house, which he supposed empty,
contained its chief occupant.
Arrived in his bedroom, the count motioned to Ali to stop; then he
passed into the dressing-room, which he examined. Everything appeared
as usual--the precious secretary in its place, and the key in the
secretary. He double locked it, took the key, returned to the bedroom
door, removed the double staple of the bolt, and went in. Meanwhile Ali
had procured the arms the count required--namely, a short carbine and
a pair of double-barrelled pistols, with which as sure an aim might be
taken as with a single-barrelled one. Thus armed, the count held the
lives of five men in his hands. It was about half-past nine. The count
and Ali ate in haste a crust of bread and drank a glass of Spanish wine;
then Monte Cristo slipped aside one of the movable panels, which enabled
him to see into the adjoining room. He had within his reach his pistols
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