ready, and the sloop which had arrived a week before lay at anchor in a
small creek with her crew of six men, who had observed all the requisite
formalities and were ready again to put to sea.
The count praised Bertuccio's zeal, and ordered him to prepare for a
speedy departure, as his stay in France would not be prolonged more than
a month. "Now," said he, "I may require to go in one night from Paris to
Treport; let eight fresh horses be in readiness on the road, which will
enable me to go fifty leagues in ten hours."
"Your highness had already expressed that wish," said Bertuccio, "and
the horses are ready. I have bought them, and stationed them myself at
the most desirable posts, that is, in villages, where no one generally
"That's well," said Monte Cristo; "I remain here a day or two--arrange
accordingly." As Bertuccio was leaving the room to give the requisite
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