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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Yes, you wished to speak to me; but was it indeed remorse, tell me?"

"True remorse; and, besides, an idea had struck me." Andrea shuddered;
he always did so at Caderousse's ideas. "It is miserable--do you
see?--always to wait till the end of the month."--"Oh," said Andrea
philosophically, determined to watch his companion narrowly, "does not
life pass in waiting? Do I, for instance, fare better? Well, I wait
patiently, do I not?"

"Yes; because instead of expecting two hundred wretched francs, you
expect five or six thousand, perhaps ten, perhaps even twelve, for you
take care not to let any one know the utmost. Down there, you always had
little presents and Christmas-boxes which you tried to hide from your
poor friend Caderousse. Fortunately he is a cunning fellow, that friend

"There you are beginning again to ramble, to talk again and again of the
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