given grudgingly,--an uncertain supply which may soon fail. You see I
am obliged to economize, in case your prosperity should cease. Well, my
friend, fortune is inconstant, as the chaplain of the regiment said. I
know your prosperity is great, you rascal; you are to marry the daughter
of Danglars."
"What? of Danglars?"
"Yes, to be sure; must I say Baron Danglars? I might as well say Count
Benedetto. He was an old friend of mine and if he had not so bad a
memory he ought to invite me to your wedding, seeing he came to mine.
Yes, yes, to mine; gad, he was not so proud then,--he was an under-clerk
to the good M. Morrel. I have dined many times with him and the Count of
Morcerf, so you see I have some high connections and were I to cultivate
them a little, we might meet in the same drawing-rooms."
"Come, your jealousy represents everything to you in the wrong light."
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