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The Count of Monte Cristo

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lead me? Think for a moment. You have your servant's clothes on--you
therefore keep a servant; I have none, and am obliged to prepare my own
meals. You abuse my cookery because you dine at the table d'hote of
the Hotel des Princes, or the Cafe de Paris. Well, I too could keep a
servant; I too could have a tilbury; I too could dine where I like; but
why do I not? Because I would not annoy my little Benedetto. Come, just
acknowledge that I could, eh?" This address was accompanied by a look
which was by no means difficult to understand. "Well," said Andrea,
"admitting your love, why do you want me to breakfast with you?"

"That I may have the pleasure of seeing you, my little fellow."

"What is the use of seeing me after we have made all our arrangements?"

"Eh, dear friend," said Caderousse, "are wills ever made without
codicils? But you first came to breakfast, did you not? Well, sit down,
and let us begin with these pilchards, and this fresh butter; which I
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