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The Count of Monte Cristo

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the world: "Napoleon lately had a review, and as two or three of his
old veterans expressed a desire to return to France, he gave them their
dismissal, and exhorted them to 'serve the good king.' These were his
own words, of that I am certain."

"Well, Blacas, what think you of this?" inquired the king triumphantly,
and pausing for a moment from the voluminous scholiast before him.

"I say, sire, that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am;
and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the
guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty, it is probable
that I am in error. However, sire, if I might advise, your majesty will
interrogate the person of whom I spoke to you, and I will urge your
majesty to do him this honor."

"Most willingly, duke; under your auspices I will receive any person you
please, but you must not expect me to be too confiding. Baron, have you
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