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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Villefort seemed stupefied with astonishment, and remained gazing
intently on the scene before him without uttering a word. He had not
seen Morrel. After a moment of dumb contemplation, during which his face
became pale and his hair seemed to stand on end, he sprang towards the
door, crying out, "Doctor, doctor! come instantly, pray come!"

"Madame, madame!" cried Valentine, calling her step-mother, and running
up-stairs to meet her; "come quick, quick!--and bring your bottle of
smelling-salts with you."

"What is the matter?" said Madame de Villefort in a harsh and
constrained tone.

"Oh, come, come!"

"But where is the doctor?" exclaimed Villefort; "where is he?" Madame de
Villefort now deliberately descended the staircase. In one hand she held
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