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The Count of Monte Cristo

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was walking with a quick step and a bright eye. He was passing the
Chinese Baths, and appeared to have come from the direction of the Porte
Saint-Martin, and to be going towards the Madeleine. "Ah," said Morcerf,
"there goes a happy man!" And it so happened Albert was not mistaken in
his opinion.

Chapter 79. The Lemonade.

Morrel was, in fact, very happy. M. Noirtier had just sent for him, and
he was in such haste to know the reason of his doing so that he had not
stopped to take a cab, placing infinitely more dependence on his own two
legs than on the four legs of a cab-horse. He had therefore set off at
a furious rate from the Rue Meslay, and was hastening with rapid strides
in the direction of the Faubourg Saint-Honore. Morrel advanced with
a firm, manly tread, and poor Barrois followed him as he best might.
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