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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Permit me to remind you that you are not in the Chamber, my dear

"Nor do I wish to be there," replied the young man, rising. "I repeat
that I am determined to have the announcement of yesterday contradicted.
You have known me long enough," continued Albert, biting his lips
convulsively, for he saw that Beauchamp's anger was beginning to
rise,--"you have been my friend, and therefore sufficiently intimate
with me to be aware that I am likely to maintain my resolution on this

"If I have been your friend, Morcerf, your present manner of speaking
would almost lead me to forget that I ever bore that title. But wait a
moment, do not let us get angry, or at least not yet. You are irritated
and vexed--tell me how this Fernand is related to you?"

"He is merely my father," said Albert--"M. Fernand Mondego, Count of
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