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The Count of Monte Cristo

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police. But here is M. Dandre himself;" and M. Dandre, announced by the
chamberlain-in-waiting, entered.

"Come in," said Louis XVIII., with repressed smile, "come in, Baron, and
tell the duke all you know--the latest news of M. de Bonaparte; do not
conceal anything, however serious,--let us see, the Island of Elba is a
volcano, and we may expect to have issuing thence flaming and bristling
war--bella, horrida bella." M. Dandre leaned very respectfully on the
back of a chair with his two hands, and said,--

"Has your majesty perused yesterday's report?"

"Yes, yes; but tell the duke himself, who cannot find anything, what the
report contains--give him the particulars of what the usurper is doing
in his islet."

"Monsieur," said the baron to the duke, "all the servants of his majesty
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