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The Count of Monte Cristo

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an occupation but little consistent with the notions you profess to

"Because, my dear fellow, you understand one must never be eccentric. If
one's lot is cast among fools, it is necessary to study folly. I shall
perhaps find myself one day called out by some harebrained scamp, who
has no more real cause of quarrel with me than you have with Beauchamp;
he may take me to task for some foolish trifle or other, he will bring
his witnesses, or will insult me in some public place, and I am expected
to kill him for all that."

"You admit that you would fight, then? Well, if so, why do you object to
my doing so?"

"I do not say that you ought not to fight, I only say that a duel is a
serious thing, and ought not to be undertaken without due reflection."

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