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The Count of Monte Cristo

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that I should not go farther into particulars."

A tremor of suppressed rage shook the whole frame of the count, and
making a violent effort over himself, he said: "I have a right to
insist on your giving me an explanation. Is it Madame de Morcerf who
has displeased you? Is it my fortune which you find insufficient? Is it
because my opinions differ from yours?"

"Nothing of the kind, sir," replied Danglars: "if such had been the
case, I only should have been to blame, inasmuch as I was aware of all
these things when I made the engagement. No, do not seek any longer to
discover the reason. I really am quite ashamed to have been the cause of
your undergoing such severe self-examination; let us drop the subject,
and adopt the middle course of delay, which implies neither a rupture
nor an engagement. Ma foi, there is no hurry. My daughter is only
seventeen years old, and your son twenty-one. While we wait, time will
be progressing, events will succeed each other; things which in the
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