omitted to explain the affair to Villefort, so that he had all his life
entertained the belief that General de Quesnel, or the Baron d'Epinay,
as he was alternately styled, according as the speaker wished to
identify him by his own family name, or by the title which had been
conferred on him, fell the victim of assassination, and not that he was
killed fairly in a duel. This harsh letter, coming as it did from a man
generally so polite and respectful, struck a mortal blow at the pride
of Villefort. Hardly had he read the letter, when his wife entered. The
sudden departure of Franz, after being summoned by M. Noirtier, had so
much astonished every one, that the position of Madame de Villefort,
left alone with the notary and the witnesses, became every moment more
embarrassing. Determined to bear it no longer, she arose and left the
room; saying she would go and make some inquiries into the cause of his
sudden disappearance.
M. de Villefort's communications on the subject were very limited and
concise; he told her, in fact, that an explanation had taken place
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