Monte Cristo took the gong and struck it once. In about the space of a
second a private door opened, and Ali appeared, bringing two chibouques
filled with excellent latakia. "It is quite wonderful," said Albert.
"Oh no, it is as simple as possible," replied Monte Cristo. "Ali knows I
generally smoke while I am taking my tea or coffee; he has heard that I
ordered tea, and he also knows that I brought you home with me; when I
summoned him he naturally guessed the reason of my doing so, and as he
comes from a country where hospitality is especially manifested through
the medium of smoking, he naturally concludes that we shall smoke in
company, and therefore brings two chibouques instead of one--and now the
mystery is solved."
"Certainly you give a most commonplace air to your explanation, but
it is not the less true that you--Ah, but what do I hear?" and Morcerf
inclined his head towards the door, through which sounds seemed to issue
resembling those of a guitar.
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