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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Very well." The count made a sign to Albert and they bowed to
the ladies, and took their leave, Albert perfectly indifferent to
Mademoiselle Danglars' contempt, Monte Cristo reiterating his advice
to Madame Danglars on the prudence a banker's wife should exercise in
providing for the future. M. Cavalcanti remained master of the field.

Chapter 77. Haidee.

Scarcely had the count's horses cleared the angle of the boulevard,
than Albert, turning towards the count, burst into a loud fit of
laughter--much too loud in fact not to give the idea of its being rather
forced and unnatural. "Well," said he, "I will ask you the same question
which Charles IX. put to Catherine de Medicis, after the massacre of
Saint Bartholomew, 'How have I played my little part?'"

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