"'"Our coachman is a member of the club," said the president; "we shall
be driven by a State-Councillor."
"'"Then we run another risk," said the general, laughing, "that of being
upset." We insert this joke to prove that the general was not in the
least compelled to attend the meeting, but that he came willingly. When
they were seated in the carriage the president reminded the general
of his promise to allow his eyes to be bandaged, to which he made no
opposition. On the road the president thought he saw the general make an
attempt to remove the handkerchief, and reminded him of his oath. "Sure
enough," said the general. The carriage stopped at an alley leading out
of the Rue Saint-Jacques. The general alighted, leaning on the arm of
the president, of whose dignity he was not aware, considering him simply
as a member of the club; they went through the alley, mounted a flight
of stairs, and entered the assembly-room.
"'The deliberations had already begun. The members, apprised of the
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