"There is another way," said Morrel. The old man's interrogative eye
said, "What?"
"I will go," continued Maximilian, "I will seek M. Franz d'Epinay--I
am happy to be able to mention this in Mademoiselle de Villefort's
absence--and will conduct myself toward him so as to compel him to
challenge me." Noirtier's look continued to interrogate. "You wish to
know what I will do?"
"I will find him, as I told you. I will tell him the ties which bind me
to Mademoiselle Valentine; if he be a sensible man, he will prove it by
renouncing of his own accord the hand of his betrothed, and will secure
my friendship, and love until death; if he refuse, either through
interest or ridiculous pride, after I have proved to him that he would
be forcing my wife from me, that Valentine loves me, and will have no
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