Franz may, after all, die before that time, a thunderbolt may fall even
on the altar as you approach it,--nothing appears impossible to one
condemned to die, and miracles appear quite reasonable when his escape
from death is concerned. I will, then, wait until the last moment,
and when my misery is certain, irremediable, hopeless, I will write
a confidential letter to my brother-in-law, another to the prefect of
police, to acquaint them with my intention, and at the corner of some
wood, on the brink of some abyss, on the bank of some river, I will put
an end to my existence, as certainly as I am the son of the most honest
man who ever lived in France."
Valentine trembled convulsively; she loosened her hold of the gate, her
arms fell by her side, and two large tears rolled down her cheeks. The
young man stood before her, sorrowful and resolute. "Oh, for pity's
sake," said she, "you will live, will you not?"
"No, on my honor," said Maximilian; "but that will not affect you. You
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