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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Certainly, dear Maximilian, for if it is good, I will follow it; you
know my devotion to you."

"Valentine," said Morrel pushing aside a loose plank, "give me your hand
in token of forgiveness of my anger; my senses are confused, and during
the last hour the most extravagant thoughts have passed through my
brain. Oh, if you refuse my advice"--

"What do you advise?" said Valentine, raising her eyes to heaven and
sighing. "I am free," replied Maximilian, "and rich enough to support
you. I swear to make you my lawful wife before my lips even shall have
approached your forehead."

"You make me tremble!" said the young girl.

"Follow me," said Morrel; "I will take you to my sister, who is worthy
also to be yours. We will embark for Algiers, for England, for America,
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