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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"Then it will be but charitable to inform him. When he arrives, I will
not fail to do so."

Just then, a handsome young man, with bright eyes, black hair, and
glossy mustache, respectfully bowed to Madame de Villefort. Albert
extended his hand. "Madame," said Albert, "allow me to present to you M.
Maximilian Morrel, captain of Spahis, one of our best, and, above all,
of our bravest officers."

"I have already had the pleasure of meeting this gentleman at Auteuil,
at the house of the Count of Monte Cristo," replied Madame de Villefort,
turning away with marked coldness of manner. This answer, and especially
the tone in which it was uttered, chilled the heart of poor Morrel. But
a recompense was in store for him; turning around, he saw near the door
a beautiful fair face, whose large blue eyes were, without any marked
expression, fixed upon him, while the bouquet of myosotis was gently
raised to her lips.
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