"If they did not speak of me, I am sure they thought about me, and I am
in despair."
"How will that affect you, since Mademoiselle Danglars was not among the
number here who thought of you? Truly, she might have thought of you at
"I have no fear of that; or, if she did, it was only in the same way in
which I think of her."
"Touching sympathy! So you hate each other?" said the count.
"Listen," said Morcerf--"if Mademoiselle Danglars were disposed to take
pity on my supposed martyrdom on her account, and would dispense with
all matrimonial formalities between our two families, I am ready to
agree to the arrangement. In a word, Mademoiselle Danglars would make a
charming mistress--but a wife--diable!"
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