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The Count of Monte Cristo

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which she found her carriage, and her coachman sleeping peacefully on
his box while waiting for her.

Chapter 68. A Summer Ball.

The same day during the interview between Madame Danglars and the
procureur, a travelling-carriage entered the Rue du Helder, passed
through the gateway of No. 27, and stopped in the yard. In a moment the
door was opened, and Madame de Morcerf alighted, leaning on her son's
arm. Albert soon left her, ordered his horses, and having arranged his
toilet, drove to the Champs Elysees, to the house of Monte Cristo. The
count received him with his habitual smile. It was a strange thing that
no one ever appeared to advance a step in that man's favor. Those who
would, as it were, force a passage to his heart, found an impassable
barrier. Morcerf, who ran towards him with open arms, was chilled as he
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