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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"And what do you think I did? I feigned a criminal process, and employed
all the most acute bloodhounds and skilful agents in search of her. They
traced her to Chalons, and there they lost her."

"They lost her?"

"Yes, forever." Madame Danglars had listened to this recital with a
sigh, a tear, or a shriek for every detail. "And this is all?" said she;
"and you stopped there?"

"Oh, no," said Villefort; "I never ceased to search and to inquire.
However, the last two or three years I had allowed myself some respite.
But now I will begin with more perseverance and fury than ever, since
fear urges me, not my conscience."

"But," replied Madame Danglars, "the Count of Monte Cristo can know
nothing, or he would not seek our society as he does."
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