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The Count of Monte Cristo

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time I took up my spade, I asked myself again and again what the
Corsican could have done with the child. A child encumbers a fugitive;
perhaps, on perceiving it was still alive, he had thrown it into the

"Impossible!" cried Madame Danglars: "a man may murder another out of
revenge, but he would not deliberately drown a child."

"Perhaps," continued Villefort, "he had put it in the foundling

"Oh, yes, yes," cried the baroness; "my child is there!"

"I ran to the hospital, and learned that the same night--the night of
the 20th of September--a child had been brought there, wrapped in part
of a fine linen napkin, purposely torn in half. This portion of the
napkin was marked with half a baron's crown, and the letter H."
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