their traces--some sad, others bright--on our paths; it is true
that every step in our lives is like the course of an insect on the
sands;--it leaves its track! Alas, to many the path is traced by tears."
"Sir," said Madame Danglars, "you can feel for my emotion, can you not?
Spare me, then, I beseech you. When I look at this room,--whence so many
guilty creatures have departed, trembling and ashamed, when I look
at that chair before which I now sit trembling and ashamed,--oh, it
requires all my reason to convince me that I am not a very guilty woman
and you a menacing judge." Villefort dropped his head and sighed. "And
I," he said, "I feel that my place is not in the judge's seat, but on
the prisoner's stool."
"You?" said Madame Danglars.
"Yes, I."
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