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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Chapter 67. At the Office of the King's Attorney.

Let us leave the banker driving his horses at their fullest speed, and
follow Madame Danglars in her morning excursion. We have said that at
half-past twelve o'clock Madame Danglars had ordered her horses, and had
left home in the carriage. She directed her course towards the Faubourg
Saint Germain, went down the Rue Mazarine, and stopped at the Passage
du Pont-Neuf. She descended, and went through the passage. She was very
plainly dressed, as would be the case with a woman of taste walking in
the morning. At the Rue Guenegaud she called a cab, and directed the
driver to go to the Rue de Harlay. As soon as she was seated in the
vehicle, she drew from her pocket a very thick black veil, which she
tied on to her straw bonnet. She then replaced the bonnet, and saw
with pleasure, in a little pocket-mirror, that her white complexion and
brilliant eyes were alone visible. The cab crossed the Pont-Neuf and
entered the Rue de Harlay by the Place Dauphine; the driver was paid as
the door opened, and stepping lightly up the stairs Madame Danglars soon
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