oblige me to tell you that I see Debray leave here, pocketing the whole
of the 500,000 livres you have handed over to him this year, while
he smiles to himself, saying that he has found what the most skilful
players have never discovered--that is, a roulette where he wins without
playing, and is no loser when he loses." The baroness became enraged.
"Wretch!" she cried, "will you dare to tell me you did not know what you
now reproach me with?"
"I do not say that I did know it, and I do not say that I did not know
it. I merely tell you to look into my conduct during the last four years
that we have ceased to be husband and wife, and see whether it has not
always been consistent. Some time after our rupture, you wished to
study music, under the celebrated baritone who made such a successful
appearance at the Theatre Italien; at the same time I felt inclined to
learn dancing of the danseuse who acquired such a reputation in London.
This cost me, on your account and mine, 100,000 francs. I said nothing,
for we must have peace in the house; and 100,000 francs for a lady and
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