Debray was petrified, not only to hear Danglars speak so calmly and
politely, but because it was apparent that beneath outward politeness
there really lurked a determined spirit of opposition to anything his
wife might wish to do. The baroness was also surprised, and showed her
astonishment by a look which would doubtless have had some effect upon
her husband if he had not been intently occupied with the paper, where
he was looking to see the closing stock quotations. The result was, that
the proud look entirely failed of its purpose.
"M. Lucien," said the baroness, "I assure you I have no desire to sleep,
and that I have a thousand things to tell you this evening, which you
must listen to, even though you slept while hearing me."
"I am at your service, madame," replied Lucien coldly.
"My dear M. Debray," said the banker, "do not kill yourself to-night
listening to the follies of Madame Danglars, for you can hear them as
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