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The Count of Monte Cristo

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Chateau-Renaud returned to their "domestic hearths," as they say in the
gallery of the Chamber in well-turned speeches, and in the theatre of
the Rue Richelieu in well-written pieces; but it was not the case with
Debray. When he reached the wicket of the Louvre, he turned to the left,
galloped across the Carrousel, passed through the Rue Saint-Roch, and,
issuing from the Rue de la Michodiere, he arrived at M. Danglars' door
just at the same time that Villefort's landau, after having deposited
him and his wife at the Faubourg St. Honore, stopped to leave the
baroness at her own house. Debray, with the air of a man familiar with
the house, entered first into the court, threw his bridle into the hands
of a footman, and returned to the door to receive Madame Danglars, to
whom he offered his arm, to conduct her to her apartments. The gate once
closed, and Debray and the baroness alone in the court, he asked,--"What
was the matter with you, Hermine? and why were you so affected at that
story, or rather fable, which the count related?"

"Because I have been in such shocking spirits all the evening, my
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