"I am not begging, my fine fellow," said the unknown to the servant,
with so ironical an expression of the eye, and so frightful a smile,
that he withdrew; "I only wish to say two or three words to your master,
who gave me a commission to execute about a fortnight ago."
"Come," said Andrea, with sufficient nerve for his servant not to
perceive his agitation, "what do you want? Speak quickly, friend."
The man said, in a low voice: "I wish--I wish you to spare me the walk
back to Paris. I am very tired, and as I have not eaten so good a dinner
as you, I can scarcely stand." The young man shuddered at this strange
familiarity. "Tell me," he said--"tell me what you want?"
"Well, then, I want you to take me up in your fine carriage, and carry
me back." Andrea turned pale, but said nothing.
"Yes," said the man, thrusting his hands into his pockets, and looking
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