amongst whom, with dilating eyes, he saw the king's attorney. Then
he had been seized upon by Danglars, who, with a rapid glance at the
stiff-necked old major and his modest son, and taking into consideration
the hospitality of the count, made up his mind that he was in the
society of some nabob come to Paris to finish the worldly education of
his heir. He contemplated with unspeakable delight the large diamond
which shone on the major's little finger; for the major, like a
prudent man, in case of any accident happening to his bank-notes, had
immediately converted them into an available asset. Then, after dinner,
on the pretext of business, he questioned the father and son upon their
mode of living; and the father and son, previously informed that it was
through Danglars the one was to receive his 48,000 francs and the other
50,000 livres annually, were so full of affability that they would
have shaken hands even with the banker's servants, so much did their
gratitude need an object to expend itself upon. One thing above all the
rest heightened the respect, nay almost the veneration, of Danglars
for Cavalcanti. The latter, faithful to the principle of Horace, nil
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