"Yes, count," replied Villefort, in a voice now scarcely human.
Monte Cristo, seeing that the two persons for whom he had prepared this
scene could scarcely endure it, and not wishing to carry it too far,
said, "Come, gentlemen,--some coffee, we seem to have forgotten it," and
he conducted the guests back to the table on the lawn.
"Indeed, count," said Madame Danglars, "I am ashamed to own it, but all
your frightful stories have so upset me, that I must beg you to let me
sit down;" and she fell into a chair. Monte Cristo bowed, and went
to Madame de Villefort. "I think Madame Danglars again requires your
bottle," he said. But before Madame de Villefort could reach her friend
the procureur had found time to whisper to Madame Danglars, "I must
speak to you."
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