the same time, holding that of Madame Danglars under his own, he dragged
the procureur to the plantain-tree, where the shade was thickest. All
the other guests followed. "Stay," said Monte Cristo, "here, in this
very spot" (and he stamped upon the ground), "I had the earth dug up and
fresh mould put in, to refresh these old trees; well, my man, digging,
found a box, or rather, the iron-work of a box, in the midst of which
was the skeleton of a newly born infant." Monte Cristo felt the arm of
Madame Danglars stiffen, while that of Villefort trembled. "A newly born
infant," repeated Debray; "this affair becomes serious!"
"Well," said Chateau-Renaud, "I was not wrong just now then, when I
said that houses had souls and faces like men, and that their exteriors
carried the impress of their characters. This house was gloomy because
it was remorseful: it was remorseful because it concealed a crime."
"Who said it was a crime?" asked Villefort, with a last effort.
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