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The Count of Monte Cristo

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questioned each other with vague and stupid glances. "Did you hear?"
said Madame Danglars.

     * Elisabeth de Rossan, Marquise de Ganges, was one of the
     famous women of the court of Louis XIV. where she was known
     as "La Belle Provencale." She was the widow of the Marquise
     de Castellane when she married de Ganges, and having the
     misfortune to excite the enmity of her new brothers-in-law,
     was forced by them to take poison; and they finished her off
     with pistol and dagger.--Ed.

"We must go," replied Villefort, offering his arm. The others, attracted
by curiosity, were already scattered in different parts of the house;
for they thought the visit would not be limited to the one room, and
that, at the same time, they would obtain a view of the rest of the
building, of which Monte Cristo had created a palace. Each one went out
by the open doors. Monte Cristo waited for the two who remained; then,
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