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The Count of Monte Cristo

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"It was without any foundation that Le Messager yesterday announced the
flight of Don Carlos and the revolt of Barcelona. The king (Don Carlos)
has not left Bourges, and the peninsula is in the enjoyment of profound
peace. A telegraphic signal, improperly interpreted, owing to the fog,
was the cause of this error."

The funds rose one per cent higher than before they had fallen. This,
reckoning his loss, and what he had missed gaining, made the difference
of a million to Danglars. "Good," said Monte Cristo to Morrel, who was
at his house when the news arrived of the strange reverse of fortune of
which Danglars had been the victim, "I have just made a discovery for
twenty-five thousand francs, for which I would have paid a hundred

"What have you discovered?" asked Morrel.

"I have just discovered how a gardener may get rid of the dormice that
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