frequently solicited during this speech. "What? Do you say that M.
Noirtier disinherits Mademoiselle de Villefort because she is going to
marry M. le Baron Franz d'Epinay?"
"Yes, sir, that is the reason," said Villefort, shrugging his shoulders.
"The apparent reason, at least," said Madame de Villefort.
"The real reason, madame, I can assure you; I know my father."
"But I want to know in what way M. d'Epinay can have displeased your
father more than any other person?"
"I believe I know M. Franz d'Epinay," said the count; "is he not the son
of General de Quesnel, who was created Baron d'Epinay by Charles X.?"
"The same," said Villefort.
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