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The Count of Monte Cristo

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be at all surprised if what we have just seen and heard is nothing but
the execution of a plan concerted between them."

"Madame," said Villefort, "believe me, a fortune of 900,000. francs is
not so easily renounced."

"She could, nevertheless, make up her mind to renounce the world, sir,
since it is only about a year ago that she herself proposed entering a

"Never mind," replied Villefort; "I say that this marriage shall be

"Notwithstanding your father's wishes to the contrary?" said Madame de
Villefort, selecting a new point of attack. "That is a serious thing."
Monte Cristo, who pretended not to be listening, heard however, every
word that was said. "Madame," replied Villefort "I can truly say that
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